Saturday, August 3, 2013

FAST FICTION #3: ORION (based on sculpture - "Orion" by Mark di Suvero)

“It doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be there.”

“It’s outside the art museum. Doesn’t that kind of exempt it from having to look like it belongs?”

“Don’t think so. In fact, that makes it even more necessary to make it blend in. I mean really, does standing under a fifteen-foot arm-bladed robot colored like blood make you want to look at some impressionist art?”

“You’re completely missing the point. And, I might add, you’ve been watching too many of those made-for-TV sci-fi movies. It’s supposed to pique your interest.”

“It actually makes me want to run screaming.”

“Quit being so melodramatic.”

“Not melodramatic. Just confused.”

“But there’s nothing to be confused about!”

“Do you think I’m the only one who thinks that?”

“You just think that the rest of us look at it and ‘get it’ and you’re afraid that you don’t.”

“And don’t you?”

“A little bit…”


“Seriously, if we understand something you don’t, it just that we know that there’s nothing to ‘get’. It is what it is.”

“Don’t say that phrase. I hate that. ‘It is what it is.’ Can you tell me, right now, something that *isn’t* what it is?... Didn’t think so.”

“So are we going in or what? Maybe they have some information inside about this piece. It could give it some context.”

“I personally don’t think you’re supposed to have context for art. If it’s not there when you look at it, it’s not there.”

“But context can give you insight. You can really figure out what the artist was inspired by, why they did what they did.”

“I thought that you said there wasn’t anything to ‘get’, and this whole context thing sounds like there a lot of ‘get’ I should be getting.”

“I’m just saying, there’s layers to it. There’s what you see when you first see it, and then there’s what you see when you know what the artist was thinking.”

“That doesn’t make it any more inviting. It’s like something you’d see in a slaughterhouse chute.”

“But look how it reaches up to the sky! It’s like a pair of arms stretching up to the heavens!”

“It looks like it’s about to fall over on me.”

“Fine. You don’t want to go in. I get it. We’ll go play some foosball or something. How about that?”

“No, come on. I’m giving you a hard time, but we should take a look at what they’ve got.”

“You’ll keep an open mind?”

“So open my brains will fall out. I promise.”

“Good. Love me?”

“Of course.”

“See? You’re still looking at it.”

“I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.”

“You’re a jerk.”

“Yeah. Love me?”

“Of course.”

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