Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Here's something I wrote for the original We're All Light website... I definitely wanted to make sure it got posted here too...

On Thursday, September 3rd, 1987, I sang for my 11th grade choir tryouts. Ms. Datz, the teacher, had each of us each of us get up in front of the class and sing "My Country Tis of Thee" to the blackboard, so we could avoid the stares of our fellow students and not be too embarassed to sing as strongly as we could. She would make some notes, writing down the student's voice part and range, and then told us to sit down while the next student came up.

When my turn came, my life changed without my even knowing it. As I sang about the "sweet land of liberty", a girl sitting behind me in the second row turned to her friend and said, "Who is that? That's the guy I'm going to marry!"

Less than seven years later, she did.

If it's true that a writer must know love before they can create anything of worth, then Amy is the reason this website even exists at all. Every story I write contains a lesson that she and I learned together... I love her and she is the world (both real and imagined) to me.

She's there in everything I've ever written, and everything I ever will. She's Alchemy sleeping peacefully in the back seat while I drive through the night, Mia resting her head in my lap on the Ferris Wheel, the mysterious woman for whom I give up my life so she can safely swim the tropical oceans, and Elsa waiting at home for me in a world of warmth and comfort.

Her love and support is what keeps me living a life of worth, and I thought that she deserves a page all of her own.

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