Still lying across Tom’s lap, Kara shudders.
“The town clock struck seven. The
echoes of the great chime wandered
in the unlit halls of the library.
An autumn leaf, very crisp, fell
somewhere in the dark. But it was
only the page of a book, turning.”
Kara closes her eyes, snuggles deeper into Tom’s jacket, pulling it around her.
Thank you, Tom…
Raven sits by the side of the road, great wracking sobs purging the tears she should have shed all these months. Eyeball sits beside her, rubbing her shoulders and occasionally looking up at the moon, as it gradually moves out from under the earth’s shadow. Raven turns her anguished eyes up to it, and as she sees that it’s coming back white, her tears turn to those of gratitude and joy.
Kara drives while Tom sleeps in the passenger seat. They’ve finally reentered hilly, green country. Tom’s eyes open, and he looks at her, smiling. She looks over at him and returns the smile.
I’ve had enough. How about you?
Yes. I was just about to ask.
Right here.
She slows down and turns up a deserted-looking dirt road, which runs up the side of a hill. They follow it a short way, then pull over. They get out. Kara leans against the fender and crosses her arms, looking off toward the east.
Hey, what’s that?
He points past her, up to the top of the hill, where the road leads. At the crest of the hill, standing against the lightening sky, stands an arch over the road, with an old wooden sign at its apex. The weathered lettering reads: TOPHETH.
Some kind of signpost?
The sunrise will be even better from
up there. Come on.
They walk up to the plateau on which the sign stands. As they reach the crest, a long plain opens up ahead of them.
Tom and Kara find themselves facing the midway of what must have been, in its day, a traveling amusement park. Clapboard buildings line either side of a long expanse of ground, and at the far end can be seen a near-mint condition carousel, which looks as if it were just missed by the wreck of a collapsed Ferris wheel, lying on its side behind it.
The plain is covered with thigh-high grass. The signs on the buildings are barely readable, garish side-show drawings in sun-faded colors.
Would you look at that?
How long do you think it’s been here?
They instinctively run to the carousel and hop onto two of the horses. The old structure groans with the weight but holds. They sit side by side facing east, where the sun will be rising within minutes.
I’m glad I finally got to know you,
Me too.
But… after we get all this straight-
ened out…
I know. That’s what I was going to
say. I’m not going to expect anything
from you that isn’t rightfully mine.
I guess I never should have. But…
it kind of hurts anyway. Been one
hell of a first date, huh?
You’ll be all right. I’m not going
to leave you stranded out here. We’ll
work something out.
I know, but you’ve just been so great.
Maybe it’s all been a big mistake, and—
She breaks off mid-sentence. Her eyes go wide as something causes the carousel to creak and she stares at something behind Tom.
What? What’s wrong?
The muzzle of a gun comes up, the shadow of the person holding falling across him. The barrel presses against his neck. He freezes.
Whoa. Hold on. I can explain this.
She’s an old friend of mine. I knew
you were going to kill her no matter
what I said, so I…
So you decided to kidnap her.
Jake, don’t… please.
(to Tom)
Give me any reason why I shouldn’t
take you right now.
He saved my life.
He stole you and ran. He’s no hero.
Look at him…
He’s getting angry. The barrel presses deeper into Tom’s neck.
I would love to kill you.
Jake, I’ll do what you want. Leave
him here. Raven will be here any
minute. You think she’s going to
let him live after what he did?
And exactly what did he do, Kara?
Leave him here and I’ll tell you
Jake thinks it over, then tosses Kara a small roll of duct tape from one of his pockets.
(to Tom)
First the main course, then dessert.
Grab the pole, please.
Tom leans forward and grasps the pole coming out of the horse’s back.
Hurry, Kara. Raven’s very close,
and we have things to do before
she gets here.
Kara tapes Tom’s wrists to the pole.
Tom, I’m so sorry.
Don’t be. He took you away against
your will.
Instead of being killed by the
woman you hired!
Come on. Let’s find a place to sit
and figure out the truth behind all
of this.
(quietly, leaning close to Tom)
Do you have any idea how much pain
your wife has caused? The people who
have died? It’s almost tine to con-
gratulate her. One way or another
she’s going to pay for it all.
Jake takes Kara’s hand and leads her away.
You’re not going to get away, Jake!
Raven’s coming after you now! If you
hurt either of them I’ll…!
He grits his teeth and howls in frustration, thrashing back and forth.
Kara keeps looking back over her shoulder at Tom, watching him try to break free. Jake leads her to the entrance of what a large wooden sign over the entrance proclaims as “The Mystifyng Mirrror Maze”. The front of the building is painted to resemble a dark forest. On the other front corner of the building, also facing the midway, is the exit. As they step up onto the entry platform, Kara speaks.
What’s going on, Jake? How did you
find us?
It’s more like you finally found me.
He guides her into the maze, then rips off a piece of tape and follows her menacingly.
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