Friday, March 18, 2011
My Top Five Artists
1. Clive Barker – Clive is the artist all artists should want to be like. He’s done it all, and every step of the way he’s had a devoted following who has backed him and bought into his twisted/true visions. The appeal of his art stretches across all strata of people: men, women, young, old, white, black, straight, gay… and from what I’ve seen the three times I’ve met him in person, he’s a gracious man who takes nothing for granted and gets out there and talks to people because he genuinely wants to hear what they have to say, and find out how his work has drawn them all together.
Clive started as a playwright in his native Liverpool, England, and his friends in the theater troupe they created (“Dog Company”) have stuck with him until the present. He wrote short stories between plays, and got noticed by the publishing community, ushering the gothic horror story garishly into 80s with The Books of Blood. Then he moved to Los Angeles and started making movies as well, getting the Hellraiser and Candyman franchises on their way – although he would disown then when they fell prey to that other unfortunate byproduct of the 80’s… the horror movie sequel machine.
Instead, Clive started working on novels… huge, sprawling masterworks of imagination like Weaveworld, Imajica and the two books (so far) of The Art. Something I like about the tales of people like Lovecraft and Stephen King is how there are themes, places and characters that overlap, but I also admire how Clive can create entirely separate, whole universes with completely different mythologies. He seems to have no limit to his imagination; he renewed a multimillion dollar publishing contract just by giving the *titles* of his next four books, for crying out loud.
Right now he’s working on one of the most ambitious projects of his life, The Abarat Quartet (which I now hear has expanded into five books), in which a girl named Candy Quackenbush finds herself traveling through a mystical world, and each book is illustrated with hundreds of original paintings Clive created as he found his way into the story. Amazing. Clive lives and breathes art, and can only hope that someday I’ll have a life that will afford me the same luxury.
2. Carl Sagan – Carl was the ultimate scientist, a man who was open to all possibilities -– as long as it was scientifically provable -– and brought ideas to the masses in a personal, organic fashion and valued the need for science to be presented in plain English. People who had never taken a science course in their lives could listen to Carl (for example, on his many appearances on The Tonight Show) and understand what he was trying to explain. That’s the rarest talent for a scientist, who necessarily lose themselves in the tiny details of one particular field. Carl loved it all, and while he was sometimes criticized as a dilettante, that encompassing love translated into the way he spoke to people.
His passion for science reached me when I was only 8 years old, when he starred in his PBS series Cosmos. I remember watching it on 13 consecutive Sunday nights in the summer of 1980, completely enraptured in the thoughts and ideas he put forward about astronomy, math, history, biology, physics, time travel, space travel… all of it rooted in real theory. Carl showed me that the Universe is an infinitely beautiful, infinitely delicate balancing act between order and chaos, and we have a privileged vantage point because we get to see and understand so much of it.
Carl also gave me an important credo I still live by -– “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. My mind is open enough that I would *love* to believe in alien life and paranormal phenomena, and I absolutely will if it can be proven. In a world where we can create everyday wonders by manipulating atoms and energy, there shouldn’t be anything we can’t potrentially examine and understand.
While there are wonders out there that we can’t possibly understand, he believed that we *will*, one day. I can’t think of a better tribute to him than the fact that I believe it too.
3. Stephen King – In 1985, I read the opening novella of King’s story collection Skeleton Crew. It was called “The Mist”, and affected me like nothing I had ever read before. By the time I finished reading it, I was horrified and sad, thoroughly creeped out and completely unable to stop reading. And I’m still going, over twenty years and tens of thousands of pages later.
What makes King’s style so readable to me? No one can get inside a character’s head the way Steve can. His characters are so *real*… their voices are like ours, full of their own internal shorthand thoughts, the little in-jokes we have with ourselves, and it makes it that much more resonant when those characters run smack into The Unknown. And they do… whether it’s a huge mass of tentacles out in the mist, or a shape-shifting creature that lives in the sewers and takes the forms of your worst fears, or a particularly vicious ghost that dwells in forgotten hotel room.
And then there are the tantalizing crossovers… most of them revolve around his epic seven-book (soon to be eight-book) series The Dark Tower, which is a cross between Spaghetti Westerns and modern fantasy, where Roland, the last of a line of knight-like “gunslingers”, undergoes a mythic quest across times and worlds to save the Dark Tower (which is really the linchpin of all creation) from being destroyed by The Crimson King, an act which would not only result in the collapse of Roland’s universe, but the collapse of all possible Universes, including worlds where many of King’s other books have taken place. There are at least 3 other novels of his that are basically Dark Tower books, only not in name, and the main villain turns up in other guises in even more. It’s all one big Universe, and all things are connected. That’s yet another way that King’s literature is like life.
4. Orson Welles – The first thing I remember seeing Orson do was a narrating job for a TV special about the treasures of Tutankhamen’s tomb back in the ‘70s. I just remember being amazed by this imposing guy with a cool salt-and-pepper beard wandering around a museum exhibit and talking about the pharaoh’s treasures in a deep, ominous voice. I didn’t know that what I was watching was the sad, lackluster end of a artistic career that started out as one of the most promising anyone had seen before or since.
When I first knew him, Orson was a narrator of TV specials and commercials, and a frequent guest on the Tonight Show who could do a magic tricks and weave tales of old Hollywood better than anyone else could. From there, I started learning more about him, about how he started out as a wunderkind of the theater, working with John Houseman to produce amazing Broadway spectacles such as the “voodoo Macbeth”, done with an entirely black cast from Harlem. He moved into radio, not only being the star of many classic shows like “The Shadow”, but creating his own Mercury Theater Playhouse that brought stories of classic literature to radio life (the most famous, of course, being his fake-documentary version of War of the Worlds that frightened a nation one Halloween). Then he went straight into film, and co-wrote, directed and starred in Citizen Kane, one of the most enduring and technically dazzling debut films ever made.
Everything he touched, it seemed, turned to gold. He could do no wrong… and then it all fell apart, almost as quickly as it began. His films, although still amazing, never had the popularity they deserved, and he didn’t help the situation by wandering off to other projects before seeing the previous one through, and as a result we are left with half-baked “studio cuts” of could-have-been classics like The Magnificent Ambersons, Touch of Evil, and Mr. Arkadin. He finally ended up as I saw him in my childhood, overweight and tired, frustrated at how he had to take bottom-of-the-barrel roles to pay his bills and finance the occasional film that he could scrape together.
I think I identify with folks who have more than a few choices of things they can focus their talent – it’s hard to stick to one thing when your creativity is pulling you in several directions at once. Orson seems to be a living cautionary tale about this very thing, what can happen to you if you don’t settle down and choose a path. I also admire the way he dove into everything he did… he lived his life large before that phrase was even coined. He burned through fortunes, ate huge meals, married movie stars like Rita Hayworth, and really *lived*. Unfortunately, for all his accomplishment, his life ended up as a mostly-failed experiment, less than everything he could have been.
I think it’s just as valuable as lesson to learn from than those who succeeded.
5. David Lynch – You’d never know what David Lynch’s art is like from looking at him. He’s an Eagle Scout from Missoula, Montana, whose biggest vice is coffee and cigarettes, and who always fastens the buttons on his shirts all the way up to the top. You’d never know the stories that come from the depths of his mind just by looking at him. But the contents of that mind are summed up in the first minute of Blue Velvet, where a man watering his front yard suddenly has a stroke and falls over onto his perfectly manicured suburban lawn. The camera draws in close to him, then drifts underground near where he lies. There are countless ants there in terrible close-up, their feet and mandibles clicking, the sound growing deafening as things get darker and darker…
Lynch’s entire career has been built around this notion, that there is darkness and madness beneath the normal life that we try to lead. So many of his films and TV projects (Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, Wild at Heart, Mulholland Drive) deal with the peeling back of normal life to expose what’s really going on behind the scenes, and it’s never a pretty picture.
I’ve always been the kind of person who loves the idea of huge, overarching plots where everything means something, and Lynch’s is the closest I’ve ever come to seeing exactly that. Granted, it doesn’t always work out that way, but the beauty of a Lynch film is that you *feel* that everything is following some sort of dream-logic, even as the most bizarre things are happening.
What Lynch has shown me is that you don’t have to be a rebellious nihilist to tell stories that are full of sex, violence, and madness. David doesn’t even *swear* as far as I know, but he created Frank Booth, the most venomous, foulmouthed character to come out of 80’s cinema. And he also is a fascinating example of how you should follow your creative instinct, no matter where it leads. He’s notoriously vague about what his films *mean* -- he has never done a DVD commentary, and doesn’t even like his films to be split into “chapters” because he thinks movies are spells that you should experience all the way through in one sitting -– and to tell the truth, I don’t even know if *he’s* aware of he’s doing. A typical quote about how he makes a movie is something like: “A film is all about mood, and you just try to maintain that mood.” Still, he follows his muse faithfully, and never questions it, and I truly admire that.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
At first it looks as if Raven has stepped into a forest. Trees stretch off in infinite rows in all directions, their branches and leaves forming the low canopy of the ceiling. She steps straight ahead cautiously, until her outstretched hand comes into contact with glass, slightly distorting the view in front of her. It now becomes apparent that the trees cover the junctions between the mirrors, so it is almost impossible to tell where they are.
Raven turns right, finds that way blocked, too. She turns to the left and finds the true passage.
Somewhere else in the maze, Jake stands over his wife. He has covered her mouth with tape, and is binding her wrists and ankles behind her, so she is kneeling on the floor. His head snaps up to the sound of cautious footsteps on the wooden floor.
I can hear you, Raven!
No response.
I assume you found my gun. The only
thing that I ask is that you leave
yours, as well. I would like to hear
it, please.
No response. A few more footsteps.
I should let you know that I have
planted several explosive devices
in this maze.
A pause. The sound of a gun being dropped on the floor.
Raven silently picks up her gun and sticks it into her belt in back. She continues feeling her way through the maze, which still looks empty in all directions.
Jake is leaving Kara behind him, moving toward the center of the maze stealthily.
It’s getting lighter, isn’t it,
Raven? I think I’ll give you until
sunrise to solve the maze. When the
sun appears, that’s it. It’s all
over. I’ll be forced to make some
light of my own, and I think you
can guess what that means.
Raven bumps into another mirror, then breaks her silence.
You’ve got to give me more time!
(far away)
I’ve given you plenty of time. When
the night is gone, so are both of
God dammit! Come out here! Fight
me like a man!
(far away)
Always underestimating, aren’t you?
First we have things to discuss, a
debt to repay. Did you ever think
that maybe Kara isn’t the whole reason
I followed you all these miles?
Okay. I give up. What was the reason?
(far away)
It was you. I look at you, and I
see the second-best servant of chaos
there is.
She stops. Jake is standing twenty feet in front of her. Something catches her eye. She turns to the left, and he’s there too. She turns right, and he’s also there. She keeps turning her head from one to the other, trying to discern which is real.
Have you ever thought about what it
would be like to feel as fearless
as when you carried out those first
missions for Big Ed? When you felt
like nothing could hurt you? And it
never did. Until you clouded your
actions with your feelings for my
little carousel pony out there. I
want you, Raven. I want you to work
with me. People have made this world
too ordered. I am the Cleanser, the
one to scrape the world clean and
prepare it for the next order. And
I want you to help me.
Raven draws her gun. She points it at one of the Jakes, then the others. He laughs a little.
I see we know each other too well.
Always the liars, aren’t we? It’s
something I’ve come to love about
I just know better than to trust
a sick fuck like you, that’s all.
Jake draws his gun too. All three barrels simultaneously point at her.
Well played.
So why did you bring me in here?
We could have handled this outside.
Do you like the park? One of my old
victory grounds that I had imported
especially for you. New England, 1929.
A bolt came loose on the Ferris
wheel, sending twenty-four people
crashing down into the crowd that
was waiting to get on the carousel.
The sheer madness of it! You would
have enjoyed it.
Who the hell are you?
Who do you think I am?
Jake Brennan.
What? Oh, Raven, you disappoint me.
I though you all people would under-
stand. What if I told you that the
devil doesn’t exist? Would you believe
Raven is silent.
Or how about God? You still believe
in God, don’t you, Raven?
Still no answer. Just the pointing gun.
Hedging your bets. That’s very
human of you. But well played. The
answer is that neither of them are
real. We all know the basic elements
of the universe. Chaos and order.
And the two of us were doing fine,
weren’t we? Always in balance, always
in check. But then you had to go and
multiply. Until there were millions
of you running around, creating your
societies and languages and technol-
ogies… Well, I’m sick of it! It’s my
turn now!
All I know is that you’re trying to
kill a woman and I’m trying to stop
Because she’s yours, right?
Not any more.
So noble… Go ahead. Take the shot.
One in three.
Raven swings her gun to the Jake in front of her and fires. The figure disappears as the mirror shatters. The remaining Jake’s fire, and a puff of blood explodes from Raven’s right shin. She cries out and falls, landing on her back. She fires a shot at the figure on the left, shattering another mirror. She throws her hands above her head and tilts her head back to fire at the remaining Jake, but he’s disappeared into the darkness.
Tom creeps along in the near-dark, knife held out in front of him. He calls out.
(far away, in pain)
Tom, get out of here!
Raven, are you okay?
I’m all right. Just get the hell out!
Tom presses on. He turns a corner and finds Kara bound on the floor in front of him. He hastily cuts the tape. She stands and he carefully pulls the tape off her mouth. She winces, then turns away from him as he starts cutting the tape at her wrists.
He’s got bombs with him. He planted
them somewhere back there.
Just get out. I’m going after Raven.
I’m sorry for all this, Tom. I’ll
be waiting.
Tom hugs her, then turns and rushes further into the maze. She watches him go, then slowly starts retracing her steps toward the exit.
Jake is down on his haunches, opening his knapsack and taking out a remote control device. He watches himself in the mirror as he does this.
Limping nearby, she hears him. She’s leaning against a mirror, propped up against her own reflection.
It’s getting light out there…
Fuck you! If you’re going to blow
the place, then do it!
Last chance, Raven. It would be so
beautiful, you and I, together, killing
and maiming as we tear through this
world… of course, I’ll do it without
you if I have to.
Kara sits behind the wheel of Raven’s car. Eyeball stands just outside the window.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Stop talking, or I’ll lose my nerve.
If he sees the light, he’ll kill them
She floors the accelerator, points the car straight for the entryway to the maze. For a moment, the carousel, the car, and the maze door are all in an EXACT LINE.
All of a sudden, Raven hears the sound of a car, followed by the splintering of wood and crash of glass. The light that has been growing from the front door of the maze goes out as it collapses. Raven starts laughing and cheering loudly.
Eyeball throws a few beams aside to help Kara, shaken but uninjured, climb out the window the car, the front half of which is buried in debris.
Very clever. But I’m afraid the
deal still stands. It’s apparent
that you refuse to acknowledge your
true calling, so I’ll be leaving
you now. Goodbye, Miss Airheart…
I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again!
He turns to grab the detonator from his pack, but Tom is standing there, ready to attack with the knife. Jake raises his gun.
You’re not going anywhere.
You’ve come back to save the woman
you’ve betrayed?
I didn’t betray anyone. I saved an
innocent life.
No one is innocent.
Don’t listen to him, Tom! You don’t
have to be forgiven for anything.
She’s standing about ten feet away, behind Jake, aiming her gun at him.
Then that’s all I need to hear.
You fire, I fire, Raven. We all fire.
Why don’t you just hit the button
and end it now?
I brought you here to see you suffer,
and I will see you suffer.
Jake fires at Tom, who manages to jump out of the way just in time. Jake shoots his own reflection. As Tom dives, Raven takes a shot at Jake, hitting him in the shoulder. He drops the bomb remote, then turns to fire at Raven. The two nearly empty their guns at each other, the mirrors behind and to the sides of them cracking and falling apart, to expose other mirrors…
They both slump to the floor. Tom, who has managed to stay out of the way, steps into the horrible silence and sees the two bodies, Jake face down, Raven leaning back against one of the trees. He moves forward, glass crunching under his shoes, and realizes that the faint, rhythmic whistling he’s hearing is actually Raven’s breathing, wind from a hole punched in one of her lungs. He rushes over to her, kneels in the glass.
Oh God… Raven? Can you hear me?
She nods slightly, blood running from her mouth.
Got him.
Yeah. You got him.
She smiles weakly.
Raven, I’ve got to get you some
help, baby. You… you don’t look
too good.
Am I going to be all right?
I’m going to send Kara and the Kid
for help, and then I swear to God,
I’ll come right back and wait with
No… I mean, will I be okay?… Did I
save more than I destroyed?
Baby, I don’t know what you…
She starts to fade. He grabs her shoulders, pulls her upright.
Yes! Yes you did. Um…
He glances at Jake’s body.
Jake, or whatever he was, would
have just kept on killing, right?
We weren’t going to be the last. So
you saved a lot of people, Raven.
A lot.
Yes… thank you, Tom.
Please, baby, will you hold on
until I get back? Can you do that?
She nods, smiles.
Hurry back, okay? I’m cold…
Okay. I love you.
He kisses her lightly, some of the blood staining his lips.
I love you too, Tom. Hurry.
He runs off. She closes her eyes.
She hears a noise. She looks over at Jake, finds that he is slowly rolling over, crunching the broken glass under him. Raven painfully raises her gun, still in her hand, and pulls the trigger. It clicks: empty.
She puts it down, watches as Jake finds his gun and starts working with it weakly. He’s loading one more bullet from his pocket into the chamber. His hands are wet with his blood, but manages to complete the task. He sits up and points it at Raven.
Come to me…
She looks at him blankly, then lifts her hand. The bomb remote is in it. Jake pauses, utter rage overcoming his features. Raven in a final act of defiance, leans over to her own reflection in the mirror next to her. She looks deeply into her own eyes, and slowly kisses her reflection. Jake howls inhumanly, starts to pull the trigger. Raven pushes the remote button and all is lost in a tremendous explosion. The infinite forest is swallowed by and infinite fire, enveloping it like a flash flood.
Fire blasts out of the front door of the Maze, knocking down Tom, who is standing nearby with Eyeball and Kara. The hot wind flattens them as the structure collapses. Then everything goes silent.
Tom gets to his knees and sees all that is left: burning piles of wood floating on pools of glowing molten glass. He stares into the crater numbly as Kara and Eyeball come up behind him. Kara puts her hand on his shoulder.
No… no, this isn’t right…
She rubs his shoulder as he starts to cry.
I never even got to see what she
looked like.
She was beautiful.
They stare into the fire, which is already beginning to dim.
The three of them walk toward the car slowly. They stand still for a few seconds, watching the first light at the horizon fill the sky.
She asked me about her soul.
If she saved more than she destroyed,
something like that. I told her she
Eyeball smiles a little.
I think you were right.
Why did she ask me that?
Eyeball sits up on the hood of the car, lies back against the windshield.
Come on, I’ll tell you.
What are you doing?
Looking at the stars. I think there
might be a new one out this morning.
They join him, lying back on the hood. Up in the sky, there are still many stars out, fading as the sun wipes them away, although it’s impossible to tell if the sky is fuller than it was before.
Tom watches them disappear into the building. He keeps rocking back and forth, trying to work his hands free, but finally slumps forward, defeated.
Eyeball is still driving. Raven is awake and holding the locator, watching it intently. The readout changes from 0.2 to 0.3.
Yeah, you’re right. It was that dirt
Eyeball pulls over onto the should, then hangs a U-turn, heading up the dirt road they just passed. After a few moments they see Kara’s car.
Did they ditch it? Maybe they went
into the hills on foot.
They would have done that days ago
if they were still running. They
know we’re catching up.
They coast up to the top of the hill, passing under the TOPHETH sign. The amusement park spreads out before them.
The car pushes slowly through the high grass toward the carousel.
This shouldn’t be here. It’s not
right. Like an old battlefield.
Tom is watching the car get closer, closes his eyes as it stops about thirty feet away.
Please, please, please…
The doors open. Raven gets out. She starts striding toward Tom through the long grass. Eyeball trails her. Tom just stares. She hops up onto the carousel, comes right over to him, and he tries to get as far away as possible, almost falling off the horse. She stops right next to him.
(all at once)
I knew her in high school. I knew
you were going to kill her no matter
what I did, so I bolted. I’m sorry.
Raven thinks this over, then lunges. She throws her arms around him.
I’m sorry, Tom. I’ve been away for
so long. Please forgive me.
It… it’s okay…
She pulls back. Tom is genuinely astonished and confused.
So, you’re not going to kill her?
No. I’m already free. Kiss.
She surprises him with a deep, passionate kiss unlike any he’s had for a long time. When they finish, Tom looks into her eyes.
It’s really you. You’re back.
I was never really gone. Just lost.
They kiss again, and then she starts cutting the tape around his wrists.
(over her shoulder)
How are you, Mr. Eyeball Kid?
Not too bad, considering I’m wanted
for murder.
The tape snaps and Tom hops down off the horse, rubbing his wrists.
Jake’s here.
I know. How did I know that?
He’s got Kara. He took her in there.
He points toward the “Mystifying Mirror Maze”, now starting to turn orange in the pre-dawn light. Raven draws her gun.
Let’s go.
They walk toward the maze, following the trail left by Jake and Kara in the tall grass. They walk side by side, Raven between and slightly ahead of the two men.
The three of them walk up the steps leading to the entrance platform.
Looks like Big Ed’s going to get
that showdown after all.
And we’ve only got one gun.
Kid… I just want to thank you for…
whatever it was you did for me.
Bringing me back from the dead, I
She kisses him on the cheek.
Sure. Anytime.
Raven turns to her husband, hands him her knife.
He nods. She draws her gun.
I’ll take the front, you take the
exit, okay?
Sure. You know, I’d almost forgotten
what a good kisser you are.
Well, I guess I’ll just have to keep
reminding you.
Tom smiles at her and takes off toward the exit.
(to Eyeball)
I’d ask you to come along, but we’re
out of guns. And you’ve done so much
It’s okay. I’ll keep watch out here.
I guess you should leave this to the
If you need me…
Raven gives him a thumbs-up. He returns it, and she steps up to the archway. The sun will be rising very soon. She sees something just inside the entryway. It’s Jake’s gun. She checks the chamber, finds it empty, and tosses it to Eyeball. She steps inside.
Still lying across Tom’s lap, Kara shudders.
“The town clock struck seven. The
echoes of the great chime wandered
in the unlit halls of the library.
An autumn leaf, very crisp, fell
somewhere in the dark. But it was
only the page of a book, turning.”
Kara closes her eyes, snuggles deeper into Tom’s jacket, pulling it around her.
Thank you, Tom…
Raven sits by the side of the road, great wracking sobs purging the tears she should have shed all these months. Eyeball sits beside her, rubbing her shoulders and occasionally looking up at the moon, as it gradually moves out from under the earth’s shadow. Raven turns her anguished eyes up to it, and as she sees that it’s coming back white, her tears turn to those of gratitude and joy.
Kara drives while Tom sleeps in the passenger seat. They’ve finally reentered hilly, green country. Tom’s eyes open, and he looks at her, smiling. She looks over at him and returns the smile.
I’ve had enough. How about you?
Yes. I was just about to ask.
Right here.
She slows down and turns up a deserted-looking dirt road, which runs up the side of a hill. They follow it a short way, then pull over. They get out. Kara leans against the fender and crosses her arms, looking off toward the east.
Hey, what’s that?
He points past her, up to the top of the hill, where the road leads. At the crest of the hill, standing against the lightening sky, stands an arch over the road, with an old wooden sign at its apex. The weathered lettering reads: TOPHETH.
Some kind of signpost?
The sunrise will be even better from
up there. Come on.
They walk up to the plateau on which the sign stands. As they reach the crest, a long plain opens up ahead of them.
Tom and Kara find themselves facing the midway of what must have been, in its day, a traveling amusement park. Clapboard buildings line either side of a long expanse of ground, and at the far end can be seen a near-mint condition carousel, which looks as if it were just missed by the wreck of a collapsed Ferris wheel, lying on its side behind it.
The plain is covered with thigh-high grass. The signs on the buildings are barely readable, garish side-show drawings in sun-faded colors.
Would you look at that?
How long do you think it’s been here?
They instinctively run to the carousel and hop onto two of the horses. The old structure groans with the weight but holds. They sit side by side facing east, where the sun will be rising within minutes.
I’m glad I finally got to know you,
Me too.
But… after we get all this straight-
ened out…
I know. That’s what I was going to
say. I’m not going to expect anything
from you that isn’t rightfully mine.
I guess I never should have. But…
it kind of hurts anyway. Been one
hell of a first date, huh?
You’ll be all right. I’m not going
to leave you stranded out here. We’ll
work something out.
I know, but you’ve just been so great.
Maybe it’s all been a big mistake, and—
She breaks off mid-sentence. Her eyes go wide as something causes the carousel to creak and she stares at something behind Tom.
What? What’s wrong?
The muzzle of a gun comes up, the shadow of the person holding falling across him. The barrel presses against his neck. He freezes.
Whoa. Hold on. I can explain this.
She’s an old friend of mine. I knew
you were going to kill her no matter
what I said, so I…
So you decided to kidnap her.
Jake, don’t… please.
(to Tom)
Give me any reason why I shouldn’t
take you right now.
He saved my life.
He stole you and ran. He’s no hero.
Look at him…
He’s getting angry. The barrel presses deeper into Tom’s neck.
I would love to kill you.
Jake, I’ll do what you want. Leave
him here. Raven will be here any
minute. You think she’s going to
let him live after what he did?
And exactly what did he do, Kara?
Leave him here and I’ll tell you
Jake thinks it over, then tosses Kara a small roll of duct tape from one of his pockets.
(to Tom)
First the main course, then dessert.
Grab the pole, please.
Tom leans forward and grasps the pole coming out of the horse’s back.
Hurry, Kara. Raven’s very close,
and we have things to do before
she gets here.
Kara tapes Tom’s wrists to the pole.
Tom, I’m so sorry.
Don’t be. He took you away against
your will.
Instead of being killed by the
woman you hired!
Come on. Let’s find a place to sit
and figure out the truth behind all
of this.
(quietly, leaning close to Tom)
Do you have any idea how much pain
your wife has caused? The people who
have died? It’s almost tine to con-
gratulate her. One way or another
she’s going to pay for it all.
Jake takes Kara’s hand and leads her away.
You’re not going to get away, Jake!
Raven’s coming after you now! If you
hurt either of them I’ll…!
He grits his teeth and howls in frustration, thrashing back and forth.
Kara keeps looking back over her shoulder at Tom, watching him try to break free. Jake leads her to the entrance of what a large wooden sign over the entrance proclaims as “The Mystifyng Mirrror Maze”. The front of the building is painted to resemble a dark forest. On the other front corner of the building, also facing the midway, is the exit. As they step up onto the entry platform, Kara speaks.
What’s going on, Jake? How did you
find us?
It’s more like you finally found me.
He guides her into the maze, then rips off a piece of tape and follows her menacingly.
Raven awakens with a start. Eyeball doesn’t notice.
What time is it?
(checking his watch)
About eleven-thirty. Why?
Pull over.
Just do it.
Eyeball pulls over to the shoulder. Raven gets out of the car and walks around to the front, stepping up on the hood. She sits down so that her back is up against the windshield.
Come on out!
What are you doing?
Eyeball opens his door and gets out.
We’ve got people to catch, remember?
What are you in such a hurry for?
Eyeball walks around to the front of the car.
Because I want this to be over. I’m
sick of driving around in the wastelands
with you.
Well, I love you too. Now get up here
or I’ll blow your face off.
Eyeball sighs and climbs up. They sit silently for a moment.
What are we looking for?
(pointing up)
Eyeball looks directly up ahead of them and sees the moon. One edge of it is covered by a massive shadow making its way across the face.
Isn’t that something? I bet you didn’t
even know this was going to happen
No, I didn’t.
Here. Lie back or you’ll strain your
They lie back side-by-side on the roof of the car, watching the earth’s shadow slowly eat the moon.
It’s a syzygy.
A what?
A syzygy. A conjunction. An eclipse.
My grandmother used to tell me that
when things suddenly become aligned,
it’s an opportunity for great change.
Sun, moon, earth.
My grandfather said that stars are
the spirits of those who have died
before us, lights to help us find
our way home. They’re the ones who
left the world better than they found
it. But the ones who didn’t, and
destroyed more than they created,
those people go into the ground, and
their unresolved anger keeps the
earth warm, makes the fires rise.
That’s how they repay their debt, by
helping the living to survive and
making the plants grow.
The balance between good and evil.
Right. Both inevitable, both necessary.
But it’s up to us to try… there’s some-
thing I feel I should tell you.
What’s that?
My job wasn’t to witness the hit.
There wasn’t supposed to be a hit.
What do you mean?
Right before you came into the bar,
I was on the phone with Jake, telling
him to come down there and stop you.
Big Ed’s idea.
Eyeball nods.
You ever stop to wonder why there’s
all this turbulence inside the Organ-
That’s what crime families do. They
kill each other off.
They’re fighting over you, Raven.
She turns and stares at him.
You and Jake. They’re strongly divided
on who will be what they call “the
Vessel? Vessel for what?
That’s what I can’t figure out. They
make money as a crime syndicate, but
it seems like they’re really trying
to find a certain person, someone
who can… I don’t know. From what
I’ve heard, it’s like they believe
there’s some kind of manifestation
of chaos that is coming, and one
of you will be its vessel.
So you’re not going to help me then?
No. I won’t. You can’t win this time.
I told you. I always win, and time is
all it takes.
Jake lets go of her hand, turns and walks away. She stares at her fingers. The nails of that hand have all turned black.
Jake walks quickly through the lobby. People waiting part for him without noticing him. As he reaches the door, he looks up at Sidney the parrot, who is returning his gaze quizzically. Jake cups his hand to his mouth, leans in, and whispers something in Sidney’s ear. Then he’s out the door like a cold wind.
Sharon comes running through the crowd. She almost runs past Sidney, but something in the bird’s eyes makes her stop. They stare at each other for a second, then Sidney slowly opens his beak.
(is a deep, horrible voice, subtitled)
Her eyes fly wide in horror. Sidney’s beak closes. She throws open the front door and runs out onto the front walk.
Jake drives away, tossing something out the window toward the base of the obelisk as he speeds away.
The moon, fully eclipsed above the horizon, is blood red. A small pop comes from the base of the Middle of Nowhere obelisk. It shudders, the lights wink out, and then it tilts like a falling tree directly toward the front door of the restaurant, where Sharon is standing. She dashes back in a fraction of a second before the top ten feet of it obliterates the front of the building.
Tom leans against the bathroom sink, his back to the mirror. The lights are out, his face in his hands. Suddenly a wide beam of red light comes in the window, falling across his shoulders. He notices the change of light and looks out the window. The moon is glowing a deep red. He turns, letting the light fall across him. He looks at himself in the mirror, meeting his own gaze with new strength.
The bathroom door opens. Tom comes out, moving with purpose. Kara is sitting provocatively on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. He walks right by her, to the chair he has laid his jacket across. He picks it up and hands it to her.
Here. You’ll need this.
He helps her to her feet, puts his hands on her shoulders and stares deeply into her eyes.
I’m going to do what I always dreamed
about doing.
She smiles, puts on the jacket hurriedly. He takes her hand and leads her toward the door.
He opens the door and leads her out into the reddened night.
He leads her across the parking lot to a lone tree that stands near the road. The moon-shadows through the branches look like cracks across the ground.
What are you doing?
Tom suddenly reaches into the jacket, and Kara looks confused when his hands comes out holding the weather-beaten copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Let’s get comfortable.
They sit down under the tree. He leans back against the trunk, Kara lies with her head in his lap, looking up at the moon.
“First of all, it was October, a
rare months for boys. Not that all
months aren’t rare. But there be
bad and good, as the pirates say. Take
September, a bad month. School begins…”
As he reads, Kara closes her eyes and smiles.
Eyeball and Raven are still watching the Earth’s shadow move across the moon.
I’m not going to let you do it.
I won’t let you kill Kara.
Because you think I might be this
Yes. You haven’t heard them talk
about it! It’s like there’s a real
being who’s waiting to take over the
soul of whoever is the best vehicle
for chaos! For Jake, it has something
to do with his family history. He
must have been bred for it, or some-
thing. But you! You chose this path
That’s what makes you so powerful.
And order has to be restored.
Eyeball jumps down onto the ground, looks out into the desert.
(over his shoulder)
I can see it now. You and me. We’re
the destroyers. We belong here in
the desert.
Raven jumps down off the car after him.
What the hell do you even know about
me? I didn’t choose anything! You
think I wanted to end up this way?
I had to kill to survive!
It doesn’t matter why. It only matters
that you did.
Raven growls in frustration and shoves the barrel of her gun into his face. Eyeball raises his hands and backs up against the car, genuinely afraid.
(softly, carefully)
And what happens if you kill me,
Raven? Will that set you free?
Raven stops, realizes what she’s doing, and slowly lowers her gun. Eyeball slumps back against the car. The two look at each other, but Raven’s eyes are sill completely blank. This enrages him, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his own gun, shoving it up against her left eye. She falls to her knees, as if asking him to do it.
There! Feel that! Feel anything! I
should do it! You’re already dead!
Suddenly, the moon above them, totally eclipsed, turns a deep shade of red, exactly the same as that night long ago when Raven lost part of herself. Raven looks at him, and his gun, his eye, and the red moon directly behind him all come into an EXACT LINE.
I’m not dead. I’m still here… just…
Her eyes open wide and roll like a frightened horse.
Covered in blood and lying across the hood of a white car, Raven’s eyes flicker open, see the moon dripping and red above her. A shadow suddenly swipes across it.
Suddenly, something snaps. Raven drops her face into her twitching hands. Eyeball lowers his gun, and her shaking suddenly stops. When she look up again, her eyes register real, painful emotion. She stands and runs off to the side of the road, where she is violently sick over the guardrail. Eyeball does not watch her. Instead, he stares at the gun in his hand, and angrily hurls it over the car and into the desert.
Eyeball is driving while Raven tries to curl up on the passenger seat. He looks at the dashboard. It reads 64.3. Raven covers herself with her jacket and falls asleep quickly. She enters a nightmare…
Raven is in the front seat of the red car she drove on the night of her last hit. The upholstery and interior is red as well. It’s not until she starts moving that she realizes that everything is coated in blood. She begins to panic, trying to get the liquid off her hands, but only manages to cover herself with it.
Raven gets out of the car, frantic. She keeps trying to wipe herself off, but the blood is gone. She stands on a deserted street. The pavement is wet, reflecting the streetlights.
On the far side of the street is a large black building, all glass and steel, a giant obelisk that reflects the clouds off its sheer face. From out of nowhere, a group of three semi trucks drive by between her and the building. As they pass, they become Chinese dragons, their headlights turning into burning eyes. Whispered warnings fill the air.
They pass, and the street is quiet again. A single set of revolving doors at the base of the building turns in the wind. Raven crosses the street and steps through them.
The light in the lobby is dim and distant. From high above, we can see that the floor tiles create a giant infinity sign, rendered in black and white. Raven doesn’t notice and heads for the elevators. From out of the shadows steps a woman, about Raven’s age, with dark hair and a pale face. She wears a black trenchcoat that almost reaches the floor. She is TONYA.
They embrace.
I’ve missed you so much.
She pulls back to get a look at her friend, who just smiles and walks to the elevator. It opens. Raven rushes to catch up with her.
As Raven enters, Tonya stands by the control panel.
What’s going on? Why are we here?
(pointing up)
I work for him now.
Tonya doesn’t answer, just leans over and pushes a button on the panel. Raven notices a strange lump on Tonya’s back, as if she’s wearing a backpack under her coat. In no time they’re on the top floor. The doors open, and Tonya gestures through the doors. Raven strides into the room beyond, followed closely by Tonya.
The women enter Godfrey’s office. Outside the huge window, a night cityscape glows. Instead of Godfrey sitting in his chair, however, it’s Jake.
Raven! My favorite employee!
(feeling some deja vu)
No… I don’t work for you anymore…
I’ve paid my debt. I’m here to resign.
Paid the debt? I don’t think so.
Twenty kills at three thousand apiece.
That’s all I owe.
That’s all the money you owe. But
your soul… now that’s a different
No! I had no choice!
Wrong! Your life or your victims’!
One life or twenty! Your debt is
far from paid!
Raven draws her gun slowly. Jake doesn’t move.
Raven, stop!
Raven fires repeatedly at Jake. Tonya falls to her knees, face in her hands, wings bursting through the back of her trenchcoat. Jake’s body convulses, blinding white light erupting from each hole Raven puts in him…
The clock on the bedside table reads 11:27. Kara is lying across the bed on her stomach, remote in hand, channel surfing. Her hair is wet, and she’s wearing one of the hotel’s bathrobes. Tom is looking at himself in the vanity mirror.
Are you ready to go now?
(not looking at him)
Tom, can’t we just stay here for
a little while? I’m so tired…
You can sleep in the car. We’re losing
ground fast.
Would you sit with me? Just for a
Look, we stopped so you could shower.
Now we’ve got to get going.
Just a second. Please.
He concedes reluctantly. Their attention focuses on the screen, where Kara has found a rerun of the Newlywed Game.
Could you rub my shoulders? I think
I’ve got a kink in my neck from all
the driving.
(almost refuses, then…)
Okay. Just for a minute. When the
show’s over, we’re going, all right?
Tom scoots over next to her, and begins rubbing her shoulders tentatively. They keep watching the TV. Tom realizes that Kara’s shoulders are trembling. She’s crying softly. He opens his mouth to say something, closes it again when he can’t find the words.
What are we doing, Tom? Where are we
I don’t know. Maybe we can find another
car when we hit the coast.
And then what? When can we stop?
I don’t think we can. I know Raven
There’s a long pause as they watch the happy couples on the screen.
I tried calling Jake while you were
outside. The recording said the number
was no longer in service.
Maybe he had it disconnected.
I don’t know… I don’t think I could
have said anything if he did answer.
(buries her face in her hands)
I want you to make love to me.
Kara… don’t.
He gets up, and she rolls over onto her back, looking up at him, tears in her eyes.
What was all that you told me in
the car? You saved my life back
there because you wanted me.
I didn’t mean it like that.
I’m your goddess, you said.
You don’t have to do this.
I want to. Can’t you tell? I need to.
Need to what?
(reaching for him)
I need you to want me. I need you
to care about me.
Can’t I care about you without sleeping
with you?
Kara gets up off the bed, starts moving toward Tom, who backs away.
I want to be close to you. As close
as I possibly can. Aren’t you tired
of fighting it?
Kara, stop… not like this…
She backs him up against the vanity next to the bathroom door. She places one hand on his chest, pushing him back a little. She keeps advancing even as tears spill down her cheeks. She moves forward and presses up against him, kissing his lips slowly. He can’t help but respond, kissing her back with equal passion. She pulls away long enough to say:
Show me what you always wanted to
do but couldn’t. Please, Tom…
Her hands unbutton his shirt, exposing his chest. She leans forward, starts kissing him there. She begins working her way downward… and he sidesteps her, ducking into the bathroom, closing and locking the door before she can regain her balance. She begins pounding on the door.
Damn it, Tom! Come back out here!
(from behind the door)
Just give me a second, okay? Go lie
on the bed and wait just one second.
She does as he says, smiling. She knows she’s winning.
I promise you won’t be disappointed.